Rolling Meadows Banquet Hall

At Meridian Banquets & Conference Center, our premier wedding venue services are designed to appease customers and get them to see the results they want. Whatever you need as far as premier wedding venue matters go in Schaumburg, Meridian Banquets & Conference Center is your all-in-one source.
When you work with Meridian Banquets & Conference Center, you are getting a team that has many years of experience in helping clients find the right services for their needs. If you are in Schaumburg, work with us to further your goals. We are the leading provider of premier wedding venue services in Schaumburg and surrounding areas.
Do not keep searching for premier wedding venue services and risk falling in with a company that will not put your needs first. At Meridian Banquets & Conference Center, we take special care to make sure our Schaumburg customers are never left wanting more out of the services we have to offer them.
If you struggle with premier wedding venue matters, trust our team at Meridian Banquets & Conference Center to help you through it. If you are from the Schaumburg area, contact us to have your premier wedding venue needs properly handled.
Meridian Banquets & Conference Center
1701 Algonquin Road
Rolling Meadows, IL 60008